Turn Texts Into Donations With These 4 Easy Steps

3 min readAug 11, 2022

Is your nonprofit looking for a new way to increase donations? With a 98% open rate, texting is one of the most proven ways of guaranteeing your constituents are opening and acknowledging your messages. With that being said, it’s also one of the best ways to send out fundraising campaigns!

DonorView offers text messaging features to help your nonprofit increase donations, attendance and so much more! To do this, we provide you with a number in your area code and you simply choose a code for constituents to text and subscribe to your communications. Ready to turn your texts into donations? Follow along with these tips to get started.

1. Get Your Constituents Subscribed

Having a list of constituents who are subscribed to your text messaging communication is the first step to success in your fundraising campaign. There are a few ways you can generate lists:

  • Email Campaigns: Introduce text messaging through an email campaign. Provide your organization’s number and subscription code and emphasize this as a new, easy way for your audiences to make donations to your organization.
  • Website: Have your organization’s number and subscription code displayed on your website’s homepage so visitors can easily subscribe to your messages.
  • Social Media: Make a post on each of your social media pages that includes your organization’s number and subscription code! Make it as easy as possible and provide multiple ways for constituents to donate. Include your number and text code in any post asking for donations, not just your donation page.

2. Narrow Down Your Lists

Once you have audiences subscribed to text messaging, it will be important to narrow them down into lists. You might want to narrow them to categories like past donors, recent donors, donors with gifts over $5,0000, etc. This will help you curate the messaging depending on who you are trying to appeal to. Once your lists are created, this allows you to send specific messages to your various audiences!

3. Personalize Your Texts

Texting can be a great, personal way to engage with someone and the same goes for your Text2Give campaigns. You shouldn’t sound like a robot, make sure you keep things friendly and personable. One way to do this and stand out is by asking for specific amounts or using personalized fields from the donor’s record.

4. Keep it Short & Simple

A text message shouldn’t take long to read. Many of your donors are going to get text messages while they’re on the go and should be able to read and understand exactly what you need from them. Excite and encourage donors to give and remember to always include your call to action! A simple text message like this will often stand out more than an extensive email.

Ready to set up a Text2Give campaign?

Reach out to support@donorview.com to get Text2Give set up for your organization so you’re prepared for a successful fundraising season!




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