6 Ways to Make Your Donate Button Stand Out on Your Website

2 min readJul 14, 2022

Does your organization have a donate button on your website? If not- that’s your first step in gaining more donations! Once your donate button is on your website, see how you can make your donate button stand out and generate more donations on with these easy tips.

Use a Color That Stands Out

A color that pops out from your navigation header is a simple way to start increasing donations. You’ll want the color of your donate button to be within your organization’s color palette so it still looks visually appealing on your website.

Choose Words of Action

Using words of action helps people feel more compelled to give. Sometimes adding a bit more words to your button can make all the difference. Check out some examples below:

  • Donate Now
  • Make a Difference
  • Give Now
  • Make an Impact
  • Join the Fight
  • Get Involved
  • Donate Here
  • Give $25
  • Show Your Support

Use Large or Bold Font

A small change like making the font large or bold on your donate button can make a big change when it comes to donations. This makes your donate button easier to see and spot on any page of your website!

Try a Floating Button

Have you ever seen a button float along on the side of each page you visit on a website? Try adding one of these to your website for your donate button! This allows for your donate button to be visible on every page of your website.

Place It in Three Key Spots

Your donate button should always be visible in three different spots on the pages of your website.

  • Top: Make sure your donate button is in your header
  • Middle: Add your donate button somewhere in the middle of your page where it makes sense
  • Bottom: Make sure your donate button is in the footer of your website or floating near the bottom of each page

Use Animations

With a simple animation like having your donate button bounce, move, change colors, hover, etc. This can draw some more attention to your donate button and get more people to click and donate.

Need a few ideas on other places you can place your donate button?

  • Newsletters
  • Email Signature
  • Blog posts
  • Social Media Posts
  • QR Codes on Marketing Materials
  • Social Media Bios

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