5 Tips to Engage Your Board Members in Fundraising

3 min readFeb 23, 2022

Including your board members in your fundraising efforts can often be a challenge. However, some board members might not realize their ability to fundraise or the different resources available to them. It’s important to step back and really guide your board members on how they can make an impact on your fundraising. Check out these tips on how you can work with your board for more engaged fundraising this year.

1. Set Fundraising Goals

Inform your board members about your fundraising goals early on in the year. All board members should be aware of the goals in place and the expenses needed for the year. Get board members involved by having them set an individual fundraising goal! Whether they achieve this goal through sponsorships, an annual gift or new donors — each board member should be trying to work towards the fundraising goals of your organization. Here are a few topics you should be discussing when it comes to fundraising with your board:

  • An overall fundraising goal for the year
  • Current and new fundraising strategies
  • Individual fundraising goals and how to achieve them

2. Connect with a Letter or Email

Have your board compile a list of constituents in your mutual networks who would be appropriate to send a fundraising letter or email to. Provide a letter template with space for them to write their own personal note and signature. Make sure you include the link to your donate page or a QR code for them to easily scan and donate. This is an easy way for board members to get the word out to their network.

3. Create a Peer-to-Peer Campaign

Ask each of your board members to get involved in fundraising by creating a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign! Each member can set their own goal, tell their story and reach out to their networks to raise donations on behalf of your organization. If your board members want to get even more people involved, they could collaborate with coworkers, family, friends, etc and build teams to see who can raise the most.

4. Posts on Social Media

Chances are your board has a huge network of friends, family and coworkers on social media. Encourage your board members to start sharing your content onto their personal pages and encourage others to join in on fundraising, events, etc. If your board isn’t as creative or needs a little help with social media, provide them with messaging and social media samples that they can post onto their own accounts.

5. Donor Engagement Calls

If some of your board members have time to spare, ask them to make calls to donors and thank them for giving. A personal phone call or voice message can often be so much more appreciated than a typical thank you email. Provide your board members with a list of those who should receive a call. You’ll want to target past donors who are likely to give more, first-time donors and donors who haven’t given in a while, but typically do.

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